A body with no voice

“Hello hello” I screamed. The shapes above me shifted but no sound came from them. I yelled at the top of my lungs and tried to point nothing “Absolutely nothing”.”the blurs the shapes what are they”.Flashes one in both eyes.The pain the growling pain I had not noticed it before all I was thinking about. What was I thinking about. Black!

Bright Bright lights hovering over me like like. GOD why can I not remember it feels like half my mind is cut off. I can remember my first girlfriend but I have no idea if I am mar…. Black!!

My entire body is intense pain.”the pain F**K WHAT IS GOING ON”!!! The shapes are back now I could see lines on there top shape it looks like a face.”thank god they are not”what is the world people from space NO NO NO why cant I think”.My mind is telling my self to cry but I cant tell if I am. The time I spend aware of my blurred scenes has become longer but I have no idea how long I have been in this broken stat… Black!

Same old same old the figures enter for a minute then leave. It has felt like I have been here for a very long time but I can not grasp on to time when one minute I am aware then the next black.It could be a week a mouth hell even years I cant tell.I started getting into the habit of being aware when the figures where around I have more control of when I black out still out of no where it still happens. It would be a while until the figure came back. Black!

Today is the day I am going to speak and the figure will hear. I said this to my self every time I tried to reach out but it never worked. I yell I scream I let everything out. Nothing again nothing. Before the figure left it seemed to look at me directly For  the first time in a long time someone looked at me but it was just a coincidence it looked away and left. Black!

I have started to become very irritated when the figures come in they have been spending much more time near me,” what where these things doing to me” I fell a faint pull in my throat it fells good to fell anything!!! But when it stopped  my mind drifted.

The patients heart has stopped there is nothing further we can do.The family cried for the lose of a loved one.” time of death 16:47″

Free choice April

The calm before the storm


The shallow breeze of the calm ocean made the black sails dance slowly,gently. To see such a calm and serene picture on the ocean was rare to say the least. The constant onslaught of storms made our journey treacherous, some may say that we had a death wish. People who lived their lives on land would not understand the utmost enjoyment that a serene picture would bring to a person. That picture is what sailors, no matter where they come from, live for. They strive to see it on every journey they take. Some never see the calm ocean, the shallow breeze or the sails dance.

The oceans state would not last for very long, a rare phenomena like this does not stick around for the enjoyment of sailors. The dark blackened clouds could be seen in the distance. The crew of the HMS Prince Royal had been through hell the past few months and up ahead it looked like the devil had come to seal their doom. 

Rain started slowly, it seemed like it was taunting us with what was to come. The Prince Royal had been through countless storms but this one was different. Storms in prior seemed to be alive with a thought that the storm would not engulf the ship. The storm directly ahead did not have an alive feeling. It had a feeling of death. Every crew member had the exact same feeling. No one had come back from seeing the serene picture because what followed was the devil himself.     

Free Choice March

When I was young 

When I was three or four I would spend a lot of my time in a small town in the south of Alberta called Warner. This small farm town is where my mother grew up and my grandparents lived. Warner has been ingrained in my mind as an extremely happy place where I was free to be 100% me. 

My grandfather was born to be a grandpa; my mother used to tell me ever since she was married that all grandpa Joe wanted was grandchildren. He was the best and spoiled us absolutely rotten. 

A story that has stayed with me was that  my grandpa would want us to try new things and one day he decided that we were to try fishing; now  remember, we were four or five when he decided this and us children had attention spans of a mouse. Even though there was this slight block in the road, he was set on teaching us to FISH. He filled a dugout with water and ordered a crap ton of fish;finally, after a few days we were ready to fish. Grandpa tested out his project, it worked perfectly, but within a few minutes, me and my brothers’ attention was  lost; we were bored and wanted to do something else. 

Some grandparents would give up at this point and start a new project that might interest us, but my grandpa Joe was not like most grandparents – he was determined that we would learn to fish. My grandpa did have a solution to his problem – he made a plan that he would continue to order fish until we were satisfied with our fishing experience. By the end of his crusade for more and more fish, he finally got us to have fun with it; after casting a line you only had to wait 3-4 seconds before a fish would bite. 

Grandpa had spent thousands of dollars just to  help us to have fun. This was not unusual for him, for he loved his grandchildren more than anything and we loved him. I could continue on and on about him. Unfortunately, my grandfather was not just a loving grandpa, but he was a workaholic; he would work day and night to make sure that my family was happy. This is what lead to the death of my grandpa when I was five. t It was a huge devastation to my family and still is a huge tragedy for my family today. My mother and grandpa were inseparable and this hit her the worst – I was extremely young and would not understand that I would not see my grandpa again. It took years before my family was normal again, but it was not normal that we would not go to that small town or fish with my grandpa anymore or l feel the  endless love that he had for us. 

I wish I could have had my grandpa here today, but thanks to  the few years that I did get to have with him, he helped to make me the man I am today.